book cover for married to the vampire king

The bad news is that the vampires and witches of this city are all going to kill each other. Meaning that everyone I care about is pretty much doomed. The good news is, I have a plan to stop it. Step one: Marry Nathaniel Bailey, the leader of the city’s vampires. Step two: Make myself into the most enticing bait possible so that the murderous vampire who is actively trying to plunge the whole city into chaos comes after ME next. Step three: Place my life in the hands of my newly minted husband, who probably doesn’t care whether I live or die. What could possibly go wrong?

From the very first moment I lay eyes on Ethan Solomon, I know he’s my mate. And when he proposes to me less than five minutes after our first meeting, part of an insane plan to broker peace between the witches and the vampires, I accept his proposal without hesitation. Ethan thinks that we’ve entered into a fake marriage. He has no idea how real it is for me. He has no idea how long I have waited for him. And he has no idea that I will stop at nothing until I’ve made him mine.


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Book cover for Embracing his Vampire Mate


My ability to sense the things other people can’t has already cost me any shot I ever might’ve had at normalcy. But normal is overrated anyhow, right? So what if I routinely send guys running for the hills because I come off as too weird for them? Besides, I don’t really mind being alone. It’s easier that way, after all. But then I meet Aiden. He stares at me like I’m the last cupcake in the display and I don’t know why. What I do know is that he’s hiding something big. I can feel it. His secrets call out to me, demanding answers. But the closer I get to him, the more certain I am that finding the truth might mean risking my heart in the process.


Bartending in a college town keeps me grounded. It’s as close to being human as I can get. An arrangement with the very confused but still obliging local butcher ensures I don’t have to hunt for what sustains me. It’s a quiet life with only two rules. Rule number one: don’t hurt anyone. And rule number two: don’t let anyone get too close. Sure, sometimes it gets a little lonely, but I’ve learned long ago that giving my heart over to someone else is nothing more than a recipe for pain. It’s far better that I’m on my own. That is, until Dante takes a job at the bar and turns my entire world inside out. I know should stay away, but I’m having trouble taking my eyes off him. And even though the way I’m feeling is dangerous for both of us, I know it’s only a matter of time until I give in.


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